More Visionary

More Visionary

More Visionary

사람과 기술을 연결하며,
더 나은 미래를 그립니다.

10년 이상의 경험을 자랑하는 전문가 팀과 함께 미래를 설계하세요.

DEVLINK, 당신의 비전을 현실로 만듭니다.

OpenCV, Cognex, Halcon Library, C#, WPF, MVVM을 활용한 수준 높은 검사 솔루션을 제공합니다.

반도체, 이차전지, 물류,
외관 검사 등 다양한
산업 분야와의 협업을 통해
빠르게 성장하고 있는

Bridging people and technology, we envision a better future.

Design your future with our team of experts boasting over 10 years of experience.

DEVLINK, turning your vision into reality.

We provide high-quality inspection solutions utilizing OpenCV, Cognex, Halcon Library, C#, WPF, and MVVM. As a rapidly growing startup, we collaborate with various industries such as semiconductors, secondary batteries, logistics, and appearance inspection.

We provide high-quality inspection solutions utilizing OpenCV, Cognex, Halcon Library, C#, WPF, and MVVM. As a rapidly growing startup, we collaborate with various industries such as semiconductors, secondary batteries, logistics, and appearance inspection.

Our Stellar Offerings
다양한 기술 스택을 통해 귀하의 아이디어를 완성합니다.

Our Stellar Offerings
다양한 기술 스택을 통해 귀하의 아이디어를 완성합니다.

Tech Stack Mastery

.NET WPF, .Net Core, Flutter, Python

Innovative Service Planning

Crafting profitable and user-centric digital solutions.

Design Expertise

Adobe XD, Figma, Framer. etc

Experienced Professionals

10+years experienced team delivering excellence.

Multilingual Communications

We're proficient in English, Chinese and Korean.

Our Expert Team

Includes a PM, Developer and Planner/Designer.

Plan 기획

Plan 기획

Made Technology Accessible

Made Technology Accessible

Development 개발

Development 개발

Streamlined Digital Workflows

Streamlined Digital Workflows

Design 디자인

Design 디자인

Boosted Online Interactions

Boosted Online Interactions

© 2023 DEVLINK - Bridging people and technology